
27th - 29th September 2019, Clujotronic 2019 - Electro Arts Festival

The "Vizualizing Verses using Augmented Reality" project (wARp) is an international project coordinated by CEVA (Center for Visual and Anthropological Education) - association from Cluj. The innovative approach explores new applications of digital augmented technology on literature and arts, and also aims to stimulate the interest of teenagers towards poetry.

>> The initiative was funded by Goethe-Institut Bucuresti and Augmented Space Agency.

>> The team will be present on Sunday at Clujotronic 2019 - Electro Arts Festival!

Anne Lise

Elena Bejunaru

Magda Minica

Maria Stefania Moldovan

Maria Uifalean

Alex Câmprean - amiază

Alex Câmprean - dimineața

Alex Câmprean - noaptea

Alex Câmprean - seara